Monday, June 16, 2008

The Begining

So, for better or for worse, right now, I'm employed at a bookstore. It doesn't really matter which one, in fact, it hardly matters that it's a bookstore, because most retail workers pretty much experience all the same hells, it's just the details that change. But it's getting to the point where if I don't get out soon, I'm going to need to find a way to expel all this hostile energy that I build up servicing allegedly intelligent people. Don't get me wrong, some of these will be nice stories, I hope. But mostly this will be a lot of bitching and complaining about rude customers, incompetent co-workers, bass-ackwards company policies invented by beneficiaries of nepotism who have no real experience in retail, and any book that I judge (by its cover) to be unworthy of the paper on which it's printed. So don't expect a ray of sunshine here, folks.

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